Engaging with graduate talent is a constant challenge
Graduates epitomise the ‘generation Y’ job seekers:- discerning, web savvy and fully engaged in social media. Its our job to know how to reach and engage with this pool of top talent - so why not let us help your business reach and attract them. call us for our full campaign management information pack.
Campaign and advertising options;
Website marketing
Our skills acquisition campaigns are diverse and innovative, of course central to it is our jobs portal grad-central.co.uk, the focus of constant investment and enhancement and fast becoming one of the region’s top ranking graduate job sites. Needless to say that its been designed to attract and encourage graduate level talent to sign in, keep visiting and encourage their friends to visit us.
The site has extensive job seeker functionality to attract and encourage returning visits like free access to the TalkingCV™ service, RSS feeds for news and jobs, sign up to jobs by email and SMS, job basket management, refer a job and much more. It also has a broad and diverse content strategy which ensures the site has continued fresh and relevant content, in the form of news, blogs, polls, video and pod casts. And lastly it has been designed and built around effective and robust search engine optimisation practise which means that the site and every job on it is fully optimised to achieve high search engine rankings – in short making sure the active job seeker finds us – and your jobs!.
For West Midlands based recruiters the site offers extensive opportunities to raise your employer brand and promote your jobs and graduate schemes to a highly focused audience. We offer a range of different promotional banners on the site.
Jobs by email banners
Our registered job seekers have the option to sign up to our jobs by email service which is emailed to subscribers on a daily basis, we can offer you prime banner slots linking to branded jobs pages, to further promote your job or graduate scheme.
Social media engagement
With graduates amongst the heaviest users of social media, this is a core part of our candidate acquisition strategy. Grad Central have a LinkedIn group, a Twitter profile, a Facebook fan page, and
our own YouTube channel where we broadcast live job videos and success stories. All of our social media channels are used to advertise jobs, to post opinion pieces and to engage with anyone interested in graduate recruitment in the region. All of our clients who recruit via Grad Central are promoted via these channels in various forms, largely though job posts, but in some cases tailored tweets, or LinkedIn posts about specific opportunities, careers and schemes can be created.
Our talented recruitment marketing team can create completely unique and customised recruitment micro sites for you to really promote your employer brand and to sell yourself as an employer of choice to the graduate job seeker, this is a great way for you to really give the graduate job seeker an insight into your business.

Tailored Email campaigns
Tailored email campaigns to highly focused groups of Grad Central’s registered job seekers is a really effective way to get your message out about your latest opportunities, we can target to a range of segments including university, grade and region, as well as degree discipline. Our design team can create highly impactful email campaigns to help build your employer brand even further, and maximise your response. Our design team are highly experienced at developing html email templates to comply with brand standards.

Hosted Polls
Through our Poll Manager we can host a series of polls for you on your behalf if you’re looking to pool opinions from graduate job seekers
Talking Job and Video content
Video content is fast becoming one of the most powerful tools in viral marketing and recruitment. Grad Central has been using video to promote jobs for sometime now, and we can help you to develop video content to support your job advertising and also offer you access to an amazing recruitment tool called TalkingJob – which allows you to give a structured presentation of your role and your business via web hosted video. For employers Talking Job is perhaps one of the most interesting new ideas in building a strong and engaging employer brand online, its simple to do and with Grad Central is available totally free of charge.
Hosted events and sponsorship of our regular careers open days
Grad Central hosts a series of highly successful careers open days through out the Midlands and we can offer you various options to get involved in terms of promoting your roles, sponsoring event promotions or coming along to the event to meet up with job seekers.
3rd party campaign creation and management
As well as advertising and promotion through the Grad Central web portal, we can increase brand awareness and application rates further by creating and managing additional advertising campaigns through major job board suppliers such as Jobsite, Totaljobs, Targetjobs and Reed.
Because of the strength of our relationships and buying power within the industry, we receive beneficial rates when working with such boards, resulting in much more cost efficient campaigns.
Design capability
Our experienced recruitment marketing and design team can advise you on the best campaign for your roles and have the expertise to create all media including Banners, Emails and Microsites, and use various web analytics to provide reporting on the effectiveness of your campaign.
Speak to our recruitment team on 00 for further information or a customised proposal, or contact us and we'll get right back to you.