After they advertise job vacancy details, interview and choose the right candidate and they accept the position and begin work, a lot of employers think that is the end of the process however ensuring that they are happy, content and satisfied in their work is vital. Many companies overlook this and take it for granted but if you do not consider these details you can find yourself needing to advertise job vacancy posts again in the short future when the employee becomes dissatisfied and leaves.
Keeping employees happy, particularly new ones who are new to the role and still settling in is very important. Ensure that the job role they accepted is exactly how it was described in the interviews and meets their expectations. Meet informally with them on a frequent basis to make sure that they are settling in to the role and are happy with the role. If when you advertise job vacancy information you stated specific details of the role, ensure that they are being followed. Be appreciative of their work and recognise when they are doing a good job, every employee likes to feel needed within a company and that they are achieving their goals. If the only time you speak to employees is to offer negative feedback they will very soon become unhappy in their work.
If you stated in the details when you advertise job vacancy posts that a bonus was included or other such benefits, make sure that these promises are being kept, if a new employee feels they have been mislead or the vacancy isn’t how it was described then you are unlikely to retain their services on a long term basis. Other unexpected perks such as social events funded by the company are a great way to bond with staff and make them feel valued.
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