By using our jobs board you will have chosen to manage your recruitment process yourself, so we have given you a quick and simple way of reaching a focused pool of local graduate talent, eager to develop their career in the West Midlands. But graduate job seekers are discerning job hunters and really like to know about a company and have the chance to engage with your brand before they decided to apply, so we have a whole range of bespoke packages we can put together for you to fully enhance and optimise your job advertisements and your employer brand, call our recruitment advertising team on 00 for more information and prices. Choose from;
Jobs by email banners
Our registered job seekers have the option to sign up to our jobs by email service which is emailed to subscribers on a daily basis, we can offer you prime banner slots linking to branded jobs pages, to further promote your job or graduate scheme.
Our talented recruitment marketing team can create completely unique and customised recruitment micro sites for you to really promote your employer brand and to sell yourself as an employer of choice to the graduate job seeker, this is a great way for you to really give the graduate job seeker an insight into your business.

Tailored Email campaigns
Tailored email campaigns to highly focused groups of Grad Central’s registered job seekers is a really effective way to get your message out about your latest opportunities, we can target to a range of segments including university, grade and region, as well as degree discipline. Our design team can create highly impactful email campaigns to help build your employer brand even further, and maximise your response. Our design team are highly experienced at developing html email templates to comply with brand standards.

Hosted Polls
Through our Poll Manager we can host a series of polls for you on your behalf if you’re looking to pool opinions from graduate job seekers
Talking Job and Video content
Video content is fast becoming one of the most powerful tools in viral marketing and recruitment. Grad Central has been using video to promote jobs for sometime now, and we can help you to develop video content to support your job advertising and also offer you access to an amazing recruitment tool called TalkingJob – which allows you to give a structured presentation of your role and your business via web hosted video. For employers Talking Job is perhaps one of the most interesting new ideas in building a strong and engaging employer brand online, its simple to do and with Grad Central is available totally free of charge.
Hosted events and sponsorship of our regular careers open days
Grad Central hosts a series of highly successful careers open days through out the Midlands and we can offer you various options to get involved in terms of promoting your roles, sponsoring event promotions or coming along to the event to meet up with job seekers.
Our experienced recruitment marketing and design team can advise you on the best campaign for your roles and have the expertise to create all media including Banners, Emails and Microsites, and use various web analytics to provide reporting on the effectiveness of your campaign
But finding a route to advertise your jobs is only half the battle in the fight for securing the right skills for your business – if you don’t have the time to sift through 100’s of CVs our recruitment service is on hand to help. Call our team of expert recruiters on 00. Our heavily subsidised fees makes our recruitment service a very cost effective route to getting your perfect skills match.