After you advertise recruitment for your company and collate a shortlist of good candidates you are then ready to interview them for your role and select the most suitable and impressive candidate. Conducting a thorough and structured interview after you advertise recruitment will not only allow you to make an informed decision on which interviewee to employ, it is also a legal requirement. There are a lot of rules when conducting job interviews that must be adhered to by law in order to prevent cases of discrimination, sexism and favouritism.
After going through the advertise recruitment process it is in your best interests to conduct a good interview. A good interviewer will be welcoming and friendly but should remain completely impartial and should not deviate far from a set list of questions that you ask each candidate. By structuring each interview the same it offers the candidate a level playing field as well as giving you a benchmark from which to judge all of the candidates you shortlisted from the advertise recruitment process. As part of the overall process when you advertise recruitment you should make an interview plan prior to the interviews, thinking of questions after the interview and wishing you had asked them at the time can be avoided by doing this. Try to ensure that the questions you ask are related to the job role and job tasks and avoid questions that are related to the applicants personal circumstances such as marital status, children, domestic obligations, marriage plans or family intentions.
Do not be overly friendly but do not be stand-offish or aloof either, you will get better and more complete answers to your questions from a relaxed candidate than an uncomfortable one who clams-up.
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