When you are job vacancy advertising, deciding whether to supply applicants with an application form to fill in or whether to ask them to supply you with a copy of their own curriculum vitae may seem like a minor aspect of the application process but both forms of applying can tell you a lot about the applicant.
When job vacancy advertising there are pros and cons to both; a well written CV that is well presented, not obviously taken from a template and has flawless grammar and spelling could mean that the applicant is intelligent, organised and takes great care in their work. However, it may not give you the specific job role related answers you may be looking for. Incorporating an application form of questions into your job vacancy advertising will allow you to tailor the application process to suit your needs. You can be more specific and get answers that will be related to the specifics of the job role in order to gauge the perfect suitability of applicants. Using an application form though can take away some of the applicants initiative and they may not be able to impress you as much as if they had presented you with a perfect curriculum vitae.
Deciding between the two forms of application is not the be all and end all though and a poorly completed CV or application form may not always indicate a poor or unsuitable candidate so it is wise to keep an open mind when you are job vacancy advertising.
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